Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2015

Virus Shawl with gradient yarn

I cought a virus...very, very bad ;-)

For the shawl I used gradient yarn from (which is a german company where you can create your own gradient style or choose from many others ;.) the site is in german, but you can contact the owner if you want to order...( I know, many of you asked...) I used 2 skeins of 5 ply " Sonnenuntergang " (sunset) 1 skein was 200 g/600 m and the other one was 250 g/750 m... It has a total size of appr. 2 m x1,4 m

Ich habe mir einen Virus eingefangen, einen sehr schlimmen...

Ich habe für das Tuch Verlaufsgarn der firma genommen. ( Es ist eine deutsche Firma, wo man sich selber die Farbverläufe zusammenstellen lassen kann, oder aus vielen Farbkombinationen wählen kann.
Ich habe 2 Bobbel 5fädr. Garn gekauft. Farbe: Sonnenuntergang.
1. Bobbel 200 g/600 m
2. Bobbel 250 g /750 m
Das Tuch hat die Maße: ca 2x1,4 m


Montag, 7. September 2015

Finally Sophie's Universe...

My blanket has been done for a while and in use already so I wasn't able to take pictures :

I had to order more yarn than calculated...but it was worth is 100 % pure whool I ordered from Turkey, and it is very soft...and as you can see only in grey...fits perfectly onto my armchair... I love how all the details, like flowers pop up so nicely.
The size of the blanket is 142x142 cm.

Here are some pictures of the WIP:

It has been a great experience to crochet a long something that big, without knowing where it will you can find the complete pattern from Dedri:

Dienstag, 28. April 2015

yeah`s springtime...


This is not crochet related... but I love these magnolia blossoms...
It is an about 90 years old magnolia tree at my grandmothers garden...The tree used to be much bigger, but a few years ago almost 2/3 of the branches broke down, after heavy snowing, with the leaves still on. The last picture shows the full tree in its origin.
Isn`t it beautiful? Imagine standing under it with the fragrances from thousands of blossoms :-)

Mittwoch, 18. März 2015