
Freitag, 27. Dezember 2013

tiny, quick and easy snowflakes

This year I have been very productive...and happy about all the lovely comments about my work. this is a very simple snowflake pattern I found here..
 I changed it a little ...there are so easy and quick to do and a perfect gift for loved ones...

 Chain 5 Join with a slip stitch into 1st chain
 Round 1:
 Ch 4 (this counts as as 1st hdc, ch 2) Hdc, Ch2 (5 times) into the circle
Round 2:
 Work into the 6 spaces you made

To begin sl st into the first space snowflake cluster:
 Ch 3, sl st into same space Ch 6, sl st into the same space Ch 3, sl st into the same space

Continue the rest of the clusters as follows: * sl st into the next space, Ch 3, sl st, ch 6, sl st, ch 3, sl st* Repeat all the way around...  sl st into the very first sl st of this round, bind off